
Alpine’s professional staff has extensive experience in cultural resource consulting.

Many of these individuals meet or exceed the qualifications established in the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines (48 FR Part IV). Alpine’s staff have worked in every western state in the United States, with their primary focus being on the archaeology of Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, Utah,  Wyoming, and Oklahoma. Each member of Alpine’s team has an excellent record for carrying research projects to completion. The responsibilities assigned to key personnel are those that most effectively utilize each person’s expertise and capabilities.

Contacting our Staff

Click on a Staff Member to view their phone number.

To send an email, use the form on our contact page.


Amy Allison
Jacki Mullen
Jessica Vergari
Kelly Wheeler
Kimberly Redman
Megan Carney Reed

Principal Investigators

Charles Reed
Jeremy Omvig
Jonathon Horn
Matthew Landt
Michael Prouty
Sara Millward


Abbie Harrison
Andrew Milam
Charlie Seevers
Hannah Blija
Jena Sadd
Joey Stahl
Jordan Kluver
Josh Boyd
Laurelyn Memmott
Pete Davis
Renee Collins
Richard Boston
Sam Fresher

Data Services Department

Aaron Goldman
Jesse Clark
Jessie Boyd
Kota Fleming
Laura Steele
Meghan Grizzle
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